Wednesday, 20 May 2020

COVID-19 Changing our Lives !

Article Headline] | 2020-02-14 | BioWorld

We all need to understand and answer one important point that COVID-19 is different from a SARS or an EBOLA virus. Why is that?

SARS transmits from a infected person to another in the 2 week after infection which is why it was easier to be controlled as doctors had 1 week of a lead time to kill it. This virus also originated from China and initially everyone thought it is due to the same mammal Bat etc too. What is being observed the PANIC which has taken over the world is not just because of the deadly virus but also because of quarantine. CHINA had locked (Forced) the city where the VIRUS had originated from and countries followed the same process. We as Humans love are freedom to move around and if thats taken away we tend to feel choked or breathless. Also need to understand human psychology to have your loved ones around you when you are sick as that gives you motivation, both are not possible in case of COVID-19.

Is COVID19 a BioWarfare tool ? was SARS the first phase of the deadly virus due to the a lot of similarity between the two affecting the respiratory organs in humans. Was Obama aware of such virus coming in future ? These conspiracy theories are floating around with substantial evidences. 

Obama did state about a pandemic and infact predicted its timing too. Obama warned in 2014, that we must be ready to deal with an epidemic. 

“So that if and when a new strain of flu, like the Spanish flu, crops up, five years or a decade from now - we’ve made the investment - and we’re further along to be able to catch it”, the former president had asserted.
Obama called for more pandemic preparedness following the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, which was then seen as a global threat. 

(Video link to his speech)

It could take three years for the US economy to recover from COVID ...
This virus has changed our lives and now we are more careful then ever (even young kids) to avoid touching anything outside and stay away from food outlets or restaurants. This will impact the overall Food and beverage industry and you will be see lesser food outlets as people avoid eating out and would force them to close out. A friend of mine who owns a restaurant shared that the footfall (in-seat dining) will be down by 60-70% or more even though they are following strict rules around sanitization of cutlery utensils and regular screening of the staff. Deliveries dont fetch much revenue, not even close enough to pay rent and salaries of the staff employed.

Trends show that Domestic travel (leisure) would pick up first. The countries will still be reluctant to open borders for passenger travel. Cargo business is moving upwards and will reach its peak by end of 2020 as more and more shipments move around the world. However for the nations who highly dependent to run their economy through tourism, Student programs etc are the ones having major economic challenge by end of 2020 or post COVID 19. We will see a drastic drop in the international leisure travel as compared to last year.
Tour operators, hotels brace for slump after visa suspension - The ...

Business travel shall be reduced considerably post COVID19 as now we have seen and experienced the technology to hold meetings without actually being onsite for meetings .

What does this mean for Airlines Hotels etc : More focus on touch less move, Hotels to use electrostatic technology for in room things. Regular sanitation of room keys etc and Moving away from check-in counters and have touch less process in place for airports. Reporting time before your flight would change and increase as now we all would have to follow social distancing protocols and screening requirements. Also having a medical facilities to counter any identified patients. Touch less Immigration clearance technology would be introduced must faster especially at tourist destinations etc.
Airlines will also have some policies on regular sanitization of the aircraft and frequent touch areas.and what if someone is identified to have symptoms of the virus at a transit point or at the time of boarding.

There will be a drastic fall in the airlines operating as many wont survive and the ones left floating would be on reduced capacities. So gone are the days when airlines were finding ways to add more seats to their aircrafts or buying bigger aircrafts. Airbus and Boeing have seen cancellation of aircraft orders including the A380's. 

Multinational aerospace corporation Airbus has warned its employees that the company is “bleeding cash at an unprecedented speed”, amid lockdowns around the world to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, BBC reported on Monday. Airbus Chief Executive Officer Guillaume Faury told the 1.35 lakh employees to brace for potentially deep job cuts and warned that the firm’s survival is at stake.
“The survival of Airbus is in question if we don’t act now,” Faury said in the letter, according to Reuters. He added that in just two months the company has lost one-third of its business. “And, frankly, that’s not even the worst-case scenario we could face,” Faury said.
What would be the new seating structure to adhere to social distancing norms. COVID 19 has changed that and now airfares will rise up to compensate for the empty middle seat to meet the social distancing norms .. people will still be reluctant to travel as frequently as they used to 5 months back.

What will be the outcome over all and effects our lives in long run.. is still unknown.

Shayari ... By Various

आसमां में मत दूंढ अपने सपनों को,
सपनों के लिए ज़मीं भी जरूरी है,
सब कुछ मिल जाए तो जीने का क्या मज़ा,
जीने के लिये एक कमी भी जरूरी है..

जिनकी आंखें आंसू से नम नहीं,
क्या समझते हो उसे कोई गम नहीं,
तुम तड़प कर रो दिये तो क्या हुआ,
गम छुपा के हंसने वाले भी कम नहीं..
आपकी दोस्ती की एक नज़र चाहिए,
दिल है बे-घर उसे एक घर चाहिए,
बस यूँही साथ चलते रहो, ऐ दोस्त,
यह दोस्ती हमें उम्र भर चाहिए..

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है.

माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है
सुबह जल्दी जगाने, सात बजे को आठ कहती है।
नहा लो, नहा लो, के घर में नारे बुलंद करती है।
मेरी खराब तबियत का दोष बुरी नज़र पर मढ़ती है।
छोटी छोटी परेशानियों का बड़ा बवंडर करती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।

थाल भर खिलाकर, तेरी भूख मर गयी कहती है।
जो मैं न रहूँ घर पे तो, मेरी पसंद की 
कोई चीज़ रसोई में उससे नहीं पकती है।
मेरे मोटापे को भी, कमजोरी की सूज़न बोलती है।
.........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
दो ही रोटी रखी है रास्ते के लिए, बोल कर,
मेरे साथ दस लोगों का खाना रख देती है।
कुछ नहीं-कुछ नहीं बोल, नजर बचा बैग में,
छिपी शीशी अचार की बाद में निकलती है।
.........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।

टोका टाकी से जो मैं झुँझला जाऊँ कभी तो,
समझदार हो, अब न कुछ बोलूँगी मैं,
ऐंसा अक्सर बोलकर वो रूठती है।
अगले ही पल फिर चिंता में हिदायती होती है।
.........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
तीन घंटे मैं थियटर में ना बैठ पाऊँगी,
सारी फ़िल्में तो टी वी पे आ जाती हैं,
बाहर का तेल मसाला तबियत खराब करता है,
बहानों से अपने पर होने वाले खर्च टालती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
मेरी उपलब्धियों को बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताती है।
सारी खामियों को सब से छिपा लिया करती है।
उसके व्रत, नारियल, धागे, फेरे, सब मेरे नाम,
तारीफ़ ज़माने में कर बहुत शर्मिंदा करती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
भूल भी जाऊँ दुनिया भर के कामों में उलझ,
उसकी दुनिया में वो मुझे कब भूलती है।
मुझ सा सुंदर उसे दुनिया में ना कोई दिखे,
मेरी चिंता में अपने सुख भी किनारे कर देती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
मन सागर मेरा हो जाए खाली, ऐंसी वो गागर,
जब भी पूछो, अपनी तबियत हरी बोलती है।
उसके "जाये " हैं, हम भी रग रग जानते हैं।
दुनियादारी में नासमझ, वो भला कहाँ समझती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।
उसके फैलाए सामानों में से जो एक उठा लूँ
खुश होती जैसे, खुद पर उपकार समझती है।
मेरी छोटी सी नाकामयाबी पे उदास होकर,
सोच सोच अपनी तबियत खराब करती है।
..........माँ बहुत झूठ बोलती है।।

Monday, 21 July 2014

Beware the "Highly Organized" Individual - Karen Conlin, M.Ed

So often in profiles for a desired candidate companies will emphasize "highly organized" in the job description. This may need some further thought. Discipline and tenacity may be better choices.

Having observed many "highly organized" individuals in various industries and positions, there seems to be a common thread in addition to their orderly skills. They all seem to be highly motivated to keep everything in place and are uncomfortable if something is not where they want it. They seem to complain more about various issues and never seem to be truly happy. More time is spent on organizing and less on creating, interacting or team play. While this is a generalization and certainly not an attempt to psychoanalyze behaviors, it does bear consideration in a candidate.

Schools put so much emphasis on grading and rewarding students for memorizing facts but very little on collaboration and creativity skills. Studies have shown that more cheating in school is done by "A" students because they cannot accept failure. Parents who "demand" A's from their children are missing the point of education. It's all about educating the whole child and not just regurgitating what they have been told. Watch the students who have been labeled with ADHD or not good at testing and see who they become as adults.

Richard Branson, Hoda Kotb, and Oprah Winfrey are examples of people who experienced rejections and never had the label of highly organized. What they have in common is discipline, tenacity and creativity. Who wouldn't want these individuals in their organizations?

My View:

Some interesting perspective for sure, but much like extroverts trying to push introverts into being more outgoing I think its important to recognize that success in business is a result of a variety of skill sets all contributing their unique strengths and abilities in the efforts of a company working toward achieving a common set of goals.
The tendency to put creativity above organization is a flaw, you need a balance along the spectrum. Some people land more on one side or the other of the spectrum, but don't forget that the organized folks are usually the one the form a foundational 'glue' that helps keep the creative chaos organized and helps move ideas through to completion. Maybe that is one of the reasons why all big names mentioned in the above article have some great teams of organized people who have seen that the Ideas meet their due end. Hence this theory cannot be applied on all.

The Evolving American Dream: Why Millennials Aren't Buying Cars

Jacob Davidson has written an interesting article for Time entitled, "10 Things Millennials Won't Spend Money On". Among the things the current 14-34 year old generation won't lay out cash for or put on credit are mass market beer, bulk warehouse club goods, weddings, homes, and cars.
The beer issue has to do more with personal taste choices. Davidson notes that 43% of millennials say craft brewed beers taste better than the mainstream bottled by the likes of Bud, Coors and Miller. 50% of them have drank craft beers versus 35% of the overall US population.
On the other hand, the avoidance of the Sams Clubs of the world is more related to the evolution of the 'American Dream' as it's been preached over the last half century. For various reasons having to do with economics and attitudes, they aren't buying into it. To benefit from patronizing a big box store, you need three things: a large family, a large home, and an automobile, preferably an SUV or minivan. Virtually none of this applies to many Millennials. They are, as a group, marrying far later in life than their earlier cohorts. Where 48% of Baby Boomers married between 18-32, only 26% of Millennials had married by that time, according to Pew Research.
So, if you're single, who needs a house? Even if you are married, only 42% of Millennials say they plan to have children. That's down from 20 years ago when it was 78 %. Davidson notes that…
"It’s not that millennials don’t want children (or homes, or weddings, or ponies), it’s that this whole recession thing has really scared them off any big financial or life commitments. Most young people in the above study hoped to have kids one day, but didn’t think their economic stars would align to make it happen."
It's the economics of the time that is holding a lot of these kids back. I'll bet that tall, trim, bright young man with the Brompton folding bicycle, with his messenger bag on his shoulder, and a sack of groceries in his hand, likely has a college degree. If he does, he is also saddled - assuming he's the average 2014 college grad - with around $33,000 in college debt, more depending on which state his school is located in.
As Davidson points out, studies show that Millennials would like to have kids, a home, maybe a car someday, but they are constrained by economic reality: they can't afford them. Increasingly, they also don't see them as that important, especially the home in suburbia and the car(s) that life requires. Their attitude towards television watching illustrates this. It's number one on David's list of ten things they don't buy.
"The average American still consumes 71% of his or her media on television, but for people age 14-24, it’s only 46%—with the lion’s share being consumed on phone, tablet, or PC. Many young people aren’t getting a TV at all. Nielsen found that most “Zero-TV” households tended toward the younger set, with adults under 35 making up 44% of all television teetotalers."
If you're not watching television, you aren't being bombarded by an endless stream of car commercials, so you aren't being manipulated into the car buying cycle. And since you can't afford a home in suburbia and, instead, live in a urban apartment, you really don't need a car to get around. Quoting the Atlantic, Davidson writes:
"In 2010, adults between the ages of 21 and 34 bought just 27 percent of all new vehicles sold in America, down from the peak of 38 percent in 1985."
This may account, in part, for Bill Ford, Jr.'s recent OpEd in the Wall Street Journal in which he states in the title, "We Can't Simply Sell More Cars."
Ford's executive chairman and the great-grandson of its founder, writes that his industry needs a "change in our view of the car as an individual object to seeing it as part of our broader transportation network."
"It also requires a fundamental change in how we think about transportation," he notes, presciently observing…
"Forward-looking companies will redefine themselves and move from being just car and truck manufacturers to become personal-mobility companies. We will be thinking more intelligently about how the vehicles we build interact with one another and with a city's infrastructure, which includes trains, pedestrian walkways, buses, bikes and everything else that helps us move through urban centers."
Urban centers also just happen to be where many of those Millennials find themselves, either by choice or economic necessity, which may help explain why Ford Motor Company recently partnered with Dahon, makers of a similar folding bicycle to the Brompton in the photo, as well as with Pedego on offering Ford-branded electric bicycles.
It seems not a little ironic that Henry Ford's first 'automobile' was, in fact, called a 'quadricycle' because it was built largely from bicycle parts.
So, even for Ford, the America Dream is evolving, just as it is for the Millennials who are now America's largest demographic group. Jacob Davidson observes in the subhead to his article, "By 2017, millennials will have more buying power than any other generation."
Figuring out how to cater to their needs and wants will, as Ford notes, present both a challenge and an opportunity.

- Courtsey: Above Article featured in LinkedIn

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

She is Woman and She is not Weak!!!

Twenty first century has brought in its trail a new hope for women. Dramatic changes have happened in the role, ambitions and attitude of women in the last few decades of twentieth century. Women have departed from their traditional role of reproducers, mothers and wives only. From a non-entity, they have been able to establish an identity of their own in the modern society.

It is very important to state here that every living human being the first person they had everseen is/was a women. So how did she become a weaker section of the society ? is she really weak ? The answer is no..

Margret Thatcher Indira Gandhi Mother Teresa were women leaders who had shown the world that they can achieve what men never thought about and can plan ahead of their times to benefit their nations of millions/billions. And very recently we witnessed a 15year old girl fighting and challenging Taliban all alone and coming out as a winner, Malala Yousafzai... What made them so different ? 
The common denominator was the people around them talked about freedom of thoughts and right to express and discuss them which doesnt exist in our society as a whole whether it west or east or north or south .. Sadly true !!

The society is yet to evolve and accept the idea of women leaders and entrepreneurs and that’s why often women are referred as  a weaker section in the society and most of the time it is projected in all media/articles/movies is because of their emotional side. Which believe it or not is not entirely true. Men are more emotionally weak/dependent as compared to a women.

Then why is it that women are fighting for equality or their rights if they are not weak and infact very much capable ?
The answer to that is shocking and something which is always ignored by all, which is lack of awareness, education and focus. Why Focus? Because we all think and believe that by passing laws etc it will provide more security/independence to women of our society which is not correct. The laws may form the guideline but what would those laws/rights mean if the society is unaware of the same, Nothing !! The Focus should be upon educating and making both the sexes of the society independent, by just focusing on one section is the same mistake we are committing which our ancestors did.

The “Nibhaya” rape incident when the students from all colleges/schools walked to the President’s residence had both the sections of the society and the common denominator was they were educated and well aware of their individual rights and had the Indian Government under question mark. This was an example the whole society came together to fight for her and many more. Why to divide them again on the basis of sex again ?

 In the West, since beginning its focus was on establishing an independent identity of a woman free from male domination. The feminist movement in the West laid great stress on the freedom and liberty of women. It resulted in reacting aggressively against patriarchal system of society and male chauvinism. Since Feminist movement for liberation and other revolutions took place in western world, the western society realized much earlier the need to improve the position of women in society. There the governments and the society made many efforts/reforms – legal, social, economic and political  gave to women more and more freedom and liberty to take their own decision without being influenced by the men-folk.

We followed them without realizing the fact that our cultural set up is far diverse and different from theirs and without proper analyzing it we implement a lot of changes. Result is now there is imbalance. We have now 2 sections of the society where the first section talks about the century old traditions and values and the second one which is following the west. But neither knows where they are headed and if you ask them they become aggressive and start using the terms like feminism, male domination etc .. words they dont even understand completely..

I often counter question my friends who say that women in India are oppressed and have a very little say as that is just not true and now has become a fashion or a way to over sensitize themselves. When you question the same people (women included) what makes them feel this way as there are many who have achieved which no men has ever. Immediately they would divert their focus to the uneducated section of the society with a focus on only females. Not to forget, the same section of the society has males who are also uneducated. but they divide them to project how under privileged women are... This is just to be in the lime light with no intent to benefit any section of the society.
Most of them are either female politicians or some frustrated activist from Gandhian era who have no clue that today’s generation is not looking at them.. rather believes in taking things in their own hands as they have very little tolerance as they know what is right or wrong.

One of my friend from South Afrcia, told me that she would never ever come to India, as indian men are lunatics. To my surprise I asked her what makes her say this ? she said look at all the rape cases. She was right to a certain extent but not completely, with women (victims) and their families aware of their rights have now started voicing it out which wasn’t the case before. All this made me think that maybe we all are missing the core issue, it wasn’t the women empowerment we needed, we needed social and educational liberation of all along with women empowerment.
So how can one make a delicious cake with great icing and stale dough ?

But today'ss women (urban) are more modern and has aspirations and lot of ideas and aggression too ..and they are well aware of their surroundings and often question if they feel something is not right.
Women today are like any men walking on the street ..Here is an incident of weaker women of our society:
Couple of days before I was driving on Delhi roads and I took a turn to see an old couple were trying to reverse their car, I stopped and allowed them to pass, suddenly another SUV stopped next to me rolled the windows down and said some abusive words. No it wasn’t a “He”.. Instead a “she”… Initially I thought to ignore it, but I don’t know why I drove right behind her, and on a traffic signal I got down from my car and asked the lady to down her window, and asked her (very gently) “I didn’t hear you properly would you mind stating exactly what were you trying to say” she got really nervous and asked her not to abuse and walked away.
If this was a guy in her place, he would have been behind bars (with non-bailable arrest) on the account of eve-teasing. Women of society are very well aware of their rights and they know when to 
exercise them too. 
I have often heard people complaining about the Indian cops/police not doing anything. As a regular tax payer I was upset with this and that is why I asked my grandfather who smiled and called up the SP of police to visit him for tea in our ancestral home of Churu. When he did, my granddad called me up and put the phone on speaker and asked me repeat my question.
I was simply stunned by his response. In delhi itself we have 1 constable (police) on every 100 people... So I stopped blaming them as they are not to be held responsible.
We have to do something on our own..  
The real question is what about our society ? why isn’t there an equilibrium ? why not create more opportunities ? why still there is a caste system Dalits, Schedule castes/ Minorities etc. and with all these social gaps we dare to think of being a super power ????
Due to lack of education, medical facilities, inflation, jobs people have started becoming more impatient and for government it is becoming nearly impossible to provide for such increasing population. We talk about various issues but the core of everything lies in lack of awareness which is due to education.

  In the end, I just want to say to stop blaming and cribbing about the status of each other in the society as WE are the society. If we change are attitude so will the people around us. if we pitty ourselves and our socio-economic conditions and do nothing about it, we have no right to expect others to do it for us....

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Couple of days back Full-page ads were splashed across newspapers to celebrate the only reformer and visionary of Indian Politics. Shri Rajiv Gandhi!
Given the state of Economy, it was nothing short of Emotional Atyachar! But I presume that’s how the loyalty tests of various ministries are done in today’s era…
But seeing the ads, I felt bad for Rajiv Gandhi Ji.
On the day when front page headline said, Economy in crisis. Are we back to 91? In all the advt. various ministries were paying their humble tribute to Rajiv Gandhi for being an INSPIRATION.
And I thought to myself, if this is what this man’s inspiration does to the Economy, Why are we still celebrating him?
But to be fair to the man, I thought may be the ministries are exaggerating about the inspiration bit! May be the man in question wasn’t as inspiring as has been sold to us via paid advertisements!!

Rajiv Gandhi was so great that we have to be reminded of the same every year with bought ads space in National dailies, the equivalent of buying likes on Facebook!
If Media is to be believed, He along with Manmohan Singh are the only two economic reformers country has seen.
That’s another matter that the former led us into 91, the later has led us into 2013!
And the person who led us out of 91, PV Narsimha Rao is a no body!
But it's understandable. History only gives credit to people who have cash!
Some people let their work do the talking. Some people let the tax-payers work do the talking!

One wonders had he not been from the first family, and been an outsider. One wonders if his actions would have been brutally scrutinized like some of the present politicians.

Imagine random politicians using the same adjectives for him with regards to 84 as are used for a Gujarat Politician.
Or 65 MP’s were writing to Obama to deny him VISA or a Liberal Journo taking up the case with UK MP to not lift the Visa ban on human rights grounds.
Imagine Media dismissing the Sikh PM as a desperate attempt to reach out to the Sikhs and then giving a communal slant to PM’s silence.
The Nation wants to know… "When the Sikh PM doesn’t have the right to speech. What can the common Sikhs hope for in this country?"
One wonders If he was an outsider, would he still have been so revered and celebrated?

But 80’s was a great time. India was desperate for heroes. So desperate that a resume that began with a 84 riots, punctuated with a 'fictional' Bofors, alleged botched up justice in Bhopal Gas Tragedy and that climaxed with near bankruptcy in 1991 was considered worthy of a Bharat Ratna! Instantly!
Today even people like Metro Chief Sreedharan have to wait forever for the honor!
And people like Sachin have to stay content with the Rajiv Gandhi khel Ratna!!
But that was a great time.

Rajiv Gandhi was always first among un-equals.
Rajiv Gandhi was so great that he was awarded the Bharat Ratna same year after his death in 1991.
Even Sardar Patel was honored 41 years later after his death!
It’s almost as if Sardar Patel's Bharat Ratna was treated like the Lokpal Bill and Rajiv Gandhi's Bharat Ratna was passed with ordinance!
It was instant.

He got the Bharat Ratna even before JRD TATA. JRD TATA!!!
Rajiv was a Pilot in Tata’s airlines. And Tata was done setting it up even before Rajiv was born!!!
Welcome to India. Even when it comes to Bharat Ratna, outsiders get it late even if they deserve it. For insiders, well let’s just reserve it!

But on second thoughts, people like Sardar Patel deserved the delay in the Bharat Ratna.
Because people like Patel were mere mortals! I mean they failed to do anything post their demise. May be the committee was waiting to see Sardar Patel build a few airports and bridges posthumously before awarding him the Bharat Ratna.
But Rajiv Ji was such a visionary, that his obvious impending posthumous infrastructural achievements were impossible to ignore for anyone!

And to his credit, he tried to open up the economy. Basically he tried to undo what his other family members had done!
And that’s the beauty of leaders coming from one family. One member messes things up. The next generation pretends to correct it. And the game continues…
Just listen to Rahul speak today, he points out faults in the system and talks about correcting it. Same template that was used 30 yrs back!

Some people say Rahul Gandhi reminds them of Rajiv Gandhi. I kind of agree. Just think Rahul has been unlucky because he is born in the time of Social Media. Had it not been for social media, Rahul Gandhi might have been worshiped like Rajiv Gandhi. He would have been the demi God in the country.
Because for Mainstream Media the biggest source of revenue is propaganda!!

What bothers one is the desperation to create false mythology around members of the first family. Jaise saare great log ek hi parivar mein paida hue hain. He was a very good man, a lot of people say. So what? I am sure lots of Air India Pilots are well intentioned and have a dream for the country. But that doesn't make them competent to run the country overnight.

It’s amazing how astronomically compassionate & multi talented members of first family are! Yet our Economy & rupee is staring at a black hole!
Because the rich legacy and poor currency just doesn’t add up! The intent in the advertisements doesn’t match up to the content of the headlines.
Rupee @ 65.5! Unprecedented CAD.
Since numbers don’t lie. One wonders if the personality cults are all pure myths!!

Rajiv Gandhi won his first election on sympathy and lost his second one to a scam! With due respect, India has seen much greater leaders both before and after him...
& Frankly not every development scheme and award deserves his name as the prefix. It’s insulting to the diversity of the country. I understand that's how dynasties stay relevant. By taking credit where it's not due!

But please stop all these advertisements. They look desperate. And in the present economic situation, they are insulting to both to man in picture and the common man.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentines Day !!

From a Friends Wall on FB:

फेसबुक सा फेस है तेरा, गूगल सी हैं आँखें
एंटर करके सर्च करूँ तो बस मुझको ही ताकें

रेडिफ जैसे लाल गाल तेरे हॉटमेल से होंठ
बलखा के चलती है जब तू लगे जिगर पे चोट

सुराही दार गर्दन तेरी लगतीज्यों जी- मेल
अपने दिल के इंटरनेट पर पढ़मेरा -मेल

मैंने अपने प्यार का फारम कर दिया है अपलोड
लव का माउस क्लिक कर जानम कर इसे डाउनलोड

हुआ मैं तेरे प्यार में जोगी, तू बन जा मेरी जोगिन
अपने दिल की वेबसाईट पर कर ले मुझको लोगिन

तेरे दिल की हार्डडिस्क मेंऔर कोई आये
करे कोई कोशिश भी तो पासवर्ड इनवैलिड बतलाये

गली मोहल्ले के वायरस जो तुझ पर डोरे डालें
एन्टी वायरस सा मैं बनकर नाकाम कर दूँ सब चालें

अपने मन की मेमोरी में सेव तुझे रखूँगा 
तेरी यादों की पैन ड्राइव को दिल के पास रखूँगा

तेरे रूप के मॉनिटर को बुझने कभी दूँगा
बनके तेरा यू पी एस मैं निर्बाधित पावर दूँगा

भेज रहा हूँ तुम्हें निमंत्रण फेसबुक पर आने का
तोतों को मिलता है जहाँ मौका चोंच लड़ाने का

फेसबुक की ऑनलाईन पर बत्ती हरी जलाएंगे
फेसबुक जो हुआ फेल तो याहू पर पींग बढ़ायेंगे

एक-दूजे के दिल का डाटा आपसमें शेयर करायेंगे
फिर हम दोनों दूर के पंछी एक डाल के हो जायेंगे

की-बोर्ड और उँगलियों जैसा होगा हमारा प्यार
बिन तेरे मैं बिना मेरे तू होगी बस बेकार

फिर हम आजाद पंछी शादी के सी पी यू में बन्ध जायेंगे
इस दुनिया से दूर डिजिटल कीधरती पे घर बनाएँगे

फिर हम दोनों प्यासे-प्रेमी नजदीक से नजदीकतर आते जायेंगे
जुड़े हुए थे अब तक सॉफ्टवेयर से अब हार्डवेयर से जुड़ जायेंगे

तेरे तन के मदरबोर्ड पर जब हम दोनों के बिट टकराएँगे
बिट से बाइट्स, फिर मेगा बाइट्स फिर गीगा बाइट्स बन जायेंगे

ऐसी आधुनिक तकनीकयुक्त बच्चे जब इस धरती पर आयेंगे
सच कहता हूँ आते ही इस दुनिया में धूम मचाएंगे

डाक्टर और नर्स सभी दांतों तले उंगली दबाएंगे
होगे हमारे 3g बच्चे और याहू-याहू चिल्लायेंगे