The Local Transport called "The Jeepney"
I went to Manila for another assignment on the 10th march 2010.
Philippine is a developing nation and is more or less like India was 10 years back. They have cultural heritage which like any other developing nation is being ignored and people are adapting the western culture.
Team at Air Phillipines with the Chairman.
Like any other new city I go, this as well I was confined in my hotel room and worked after coming back to the hotel everyday. But somehow for this assignment I felt I was prepared, May be because I was coming straight from another assignment I the states. The team here came from different back grounds and still were content as one of them mentioned that "if we don't know whats gonna happen the next minute, than why spending that quality time in thinking about it. Just live the life the way it comes". That made me think and i understood what really meant to be living your life means. It is not always laughing,enjoying,partying or working ... its to do things which makes you feel happy and content, which one can find peace and satisfaction. I am still seaching for it.
I always felt that god wasn't fare to me, but after meeting this group I felt that I was so wrong. Sometimes we don't value what we possess and crave for what we don't have but when I look at people on the streets I realised that things I never valued. Trust me I am not good and I thought its a change that I need to bring in myself.
I also learned that the people you love and care for the most in your day to day life tend to put a blind fold cover on your eyes .. which not only blocks your view but also makes you think that everything done or said by him/her is correct. I had this same experience and trust me people when this gets over, it leaves you with nothing but sadness and a feeling of being cheated. But at the same time if you forgive that person and let go of him/her would leave you stronger and at peace.
You all must be thinking how come I learned all this in just one trip, well I guess the thoughts were there in my mind from the very start but I just could not find a right reason to bring that change in myself. This is another trick your mind plays with you, it needs explanation or you need to convince it before you change anything in yourself.
In the end, I met few people who I will never forget and would keep myself reminding of the facts that no one is Big or small, superior or junior, loved or hated, all are same .. we just need to change the way we look at each other ..
1 comment: it goes.Since u asked for it.
Its good to be practical in life..but sometimes Almighty gives u all the signs and channels to put ur effort in a certain direction and you have really gone with those signs..
So All the best to u for ur future.And may all ur dreams cume true...
With u luv n Luck
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