The Sabre team at Jet Blue, Salt lake city UT
Last few months havebeen really busy, different projects,fifferent locations and long hours of work ... I past few months I have had oppurtinities to interact/meet with people from different back grounds and culture. It was a great learning experience. During one of the projects, I met few people who really inspired me in terms of the way they take life and and they shared there experiences with me whenever we went out. Although I also saw a lot of insecurity among few of the people I met and saw the level of dissatisfaction people have from life, from family etc ..
Jet Blue Team & Me
The Airline Solutions Training Team
Project completed successfully : Jetblue and Sabre team
When in the office its all together a different ball game. you have to have a MASK on yourself and always be cautious which stops me from being myself ... people pretend to be your friend and everyone tries to outshine others forget calling themselves as a TEAM ... plus the regional biasness is something that you can clearly see. If you happen to be from Channai or kerala or Andra than you would be preffered by all and if your from north (Delhi) specially they think that your some high brow snob who doesn't know anything and treat you as a complete outcast which adds to the your growing frustration.
As I mentioned above that I lost on the personal front, as I am 1600 miles away from friends whom I met and spent weekends with and above all family specially my mum whom I spoke for long hours ...
but as they say that life is a bitch, I like that work I do no matter even if I am out for 3 weeks in a month but I realised one thing that in past year and half that nothing is more precious than family .. you can earn money any day but if you lose your family it would take you ages to get it back ... or may be you would never get them back at all ...
hey bro!! quite emotional while writing this..tell you one thing..nothing goes in vain..ur hard efforts and strugle would pay some day..even if the journey is quite long...just dont loose hope!! take care
Hey Buddy, very emotional one...but i completely agree with your thoughts. When we live with our family we dont really know their worth,when we stay away from them that's when we realise how much they mean to us and how much we miss them.. n about ur love for ur mum..i knw you are u r mama's boys :)
Life is full of hardships but all these efforts never go in vain.Give ur 100% in all that you do and leave the rest to God. he will take care
Very Nicely Written Jay!!! I love it :)
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